
New leak reveals what could be the world’s greatest gaming tablet

NVIDIA already makes killer smartphone and tablet chips and now it looks like it’s going to soon release a killer tablet of its own as well. @evleaks has just posted a new leaked picture of a device called the NVIDIA Shield Tablet, 2014 that looks like a very slick device that will put a lot of emphasis on mobile gaming.

As you can see in the picture below, the device’s display is showing off classic games such as Portal and Half-Life 2, and its store has options to buy both Android games and traditional PC games. In other words, this tablet looks like it’s going to blow away every other tablet out of the water when it comes to CPU and GPU power.

NVIDIA released its Shield portable gaming console last year, but that device doesn’t look nearly as well designed as the device shown in @evleaks’ picture. @evleaks doesn’t give us any specs for the device but we have to imagine that it will feature NVIDIA’s Tegra K1 SoC that absolutely crushed rival processors in benchmarks earlier this year. Either way, this definitely looks like a tablet to watch.


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