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New Samsung ad Mocks Apple for 10 years of inferior iPhones

Samsung ad Mocks Apple

Samsung is back at it with a new ad that mocks the most of Apple enthusiasts and depicts the Note 8 as the fresh and innovative alternative to the plain old iPhone.

The ad follows an Apple user that grows increasingly disappointed with his iPhones, as years pass by. The video pokes fun at issues like insufficient storage, a small display, no water resistance and lack of headphone jack. In the end, the iPhone ends up in a drawer and the long-time Apple user upgrades to Galaxy, a Galaxy Note 8 to be exact.

Samsung couldn’t resist taking a jab at the Apple fans that, every year, line up to be among the first to buy a new iPhone. In a hilarious touch, one Apple fan sports a completely ridiculous notch haircut.

Samsung launched the new commercial on the weekend the iPhone X became available in stores. Unfortunately, besides the notch guy, there is no reference to Apple’s latest device, which feels like a missed opportunity. Perhaps Samsung is going to take on the iPhone X in a future ad?


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